Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Speech On The Dangers Of Bullying - 867 Words

There are a number of steps that need to be considered in order for this solution to take action. The first of which is to find someone to speak up to all the people in the school districts, a representative of some sorts. Someone who everyone in the school can trust such as a popular kid or teen, or maybe the student council president if the school has one. If not, maybe a group of people, a committee who are part of the community where the students attend. Said spokesman, or person(s) needs to have exceptional communication skills to grab everyone s attention. That way, they can make the issue not sound plain and generic as bullying solutions have been discussed multiple times. Next step is to gather all people into one place such as a stadium or gymnasium and so on to accommodate all the students, teachers, administrators, and parents. After that, the presentation/speech will then begin to inform everyone on the dangers bullying can have on one or more individuals. In addition, we will be taking additional suggestions from the crowd depending if it is doable or not. After taking all the suggestions into consideration, the most viable will be chosen and then implemented into the school policies and cemented into the people s heads. Hopefully, when this works, the number of bullying related events should be declining as reports of bullying activities are being submitted. Though, if this were to succeed and bullying reports at schools start to decline, it is a hugeShow MoreRelatedBullying : A Land Of The Free1160 Words   |  5 Pagesis called, â€Å"Bullying.† Bullying takes many forms including face to face (physical and verbal harassment), written forms (mails/letters), and currently, the most widespread form of bullying apparent in students is cyberbullying (bullying with the use of electronics such as social media, texting/messages, and etc). As the Supreme Court ruled, students have limitations on their speech. These limitations apply to students’ online speech as well. Online speech means any posted or typed speech on onlineRead MoreCyber-Bullying Has Been A Problem For A Very Long Period.1152 Words   |  5 PagesCyber-bullying has been a problem for a very long period. Due to the growth o f our recent technology, cyber-bullying has become one of the most challenging issues in our society. Since cyber-bullying problems are more likely to happen at social gathering, schools, and even mobile phones; Professors, principals, teachers and parents are accountable to observe, reprove and possibly avoid cyber-bullying. The anticipations of most parents of the school, is security. Meanwhile, many employees feel reluctantRead MoreSpeech On The Bill Of Rights1153 Words   |  5 Pagesof speech, or of the press† (Alderman and Kennedy, pg.21). Because of the First Amendment, hate speech, â€Å"no matter how offensive its content†, was â€Å"protected† under the laws (ACLZ). However, people are still demanding more. They want hate-related speech to be allowed on campuses –without knowing the effects and the damage it could do. Hate speech could bring people down, lower their confidences and their school performance, and in some case, school avoidance. Th e audiences of offensive speech onRead MoreInformative Speech : Bullying Is Everybody s Problem888 Words   |  4 PagesInformative Speech Outline â€Å"Bullying is Everybody s Problem† Introduction I. What do we know about bullying? It turns out that with our busy lives, bullying is mostly imperceptible. Have you ever asked yourself why your son, your nephew or a close relative, refuses to go to school? Why the child is always complaining of stomachaches or other diseases in the mornings? II. If so, your child is likely to be a victim of bullying. However, you may not realize that bullying is a real issue that unfortunatelyRead More Cyber Bullying Essay1447 Words   |  6 Pageswhen â€Å"13-year-old Ryan Patrick Halligan kill[ed] himself after months of harassment, including instant messages calling him gay† (Billitteri.) Cyber bullying is much more dangerous than traditional bullying, and should be punished with much stricter guide lines, not just within schools but within criminal courts as well. Traditional bullying was done on school grounds, at the bus stop, or walking home, but today cyber bullies leave teens vulnerable to the abuse with no place to seek refugeRead MoreCyberbullying And Its Effects On Society899 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout high school, we have all witnessed bullying. Some cases more severe than others. One well known way is through social network. This is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying occurs when a minor is targeted in some form-- threatened humiliated, harassed-- by another, and it is not to be confused with cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment, which involves an adult. Not limited to the internet cyberbullying can spread by cell phones or other digital devices (Surdin, 2009). Cyberbullying has causedRead MoreDescribe That Possible Signs, Symptoms, Indicators and Behaviours That May Cause Concern in the Context of Safeguarding.1486 Words   |  6 Pagesinteraction. It may also involve seeing or hearing a person being ill-treated and you d o not do anything to stop the abuse. With the development of the internet the so called cyber-bullying is another matter that has become prevalent over the past few years; which in turn causes children to frequently feel scared or in danger. 2.2 Signs of possible emotional abuse †¢ Depression, aggression, extreme anxiety, changes or regression in mood or behaviour, particularly where a child withdraws or becomesRead MoreCyberbullying Is A Big Concern For Society Today920 Words   |  4 Pagesgo. Cyberbullying greatly affects the victim’s mental and emotional health as well as their ability to do well in class, so schools should have the power to punish cyberbullies even if it was done off of school grounds. Cyberbullying is defined as bullying that takes place using electronic technology such as cell phones, computers, and tablets and is often done using communication tools like social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. It can happen anytime during the day or at night, andRead MoreWhat Causes People From The Others?957 Words   |  4 Pagesothers? Facebook. Twitter. LinkedIn. Myspace. YouTube. Flickr. These are all social networking sites and they’re all part of what is at present known as social media. Ever since the creation of social media had occurred there have been another type of bullying that’s in our everyday life. The study from the cyberbullying research center, shows 20.4 percent of females of middle school reported to be the victim pf cyberbullying at least once at the age of 11-18, compared to 14 percent of male children, inRead MoreCyber Socializing Has Effects Essay1715 Words   |  7 Pagesfor people. While cyber socializing gives people around the world the ability to interact with loved ones who are both close and far, these sites can have negative effects on others. The negative sides of cyber socializing, better known as cyber bullying, has several statistics to go along with it, as well as different types. The first type of cyber bully is called â€Å"The Vengeful Angel† which is someone who doesn’t understand that they are the person causing the harm. The next is considered â€Å"The Power

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