Monday, August 24, 2020

Free Essays on Corporal Punishment

In 1978, Astrid Lindgren, writer of Pippi Longstocking, was granted the German Book Trade Peace Prize for her superb commitments to children’s writing. In her acknowledgment discourse, she recounted to an intriguing anecdote about a youngster. This concise story started when she was around twenty. She had quite recently met a pastor’s spouse who disclosed to her that when she was youthful and had her first kid, she was totally contradicted to punishing kids. Be that as it may, the training was generally acknowledged at that point. At the point when her child had turned five, he had gotten out of hand and the lady chose to give the youngster its first beating. She instructed him to go out to scan for a switch. The youngster didn't return for a long time. At the point when he at long last returned, he said to his mom, â€Å"Mama, I couldn’t discover a switch, however here’s a stone that you can toss at me.† (No Spanking Page) The Perception of a beating outwardly and tactilely should be mistaking and upsetting for kids. They can never be certain what meaning their folks are communicating when this brutal sort of discipline happens. Guardians give youngsters essential introduction to ideas of right and positive. What's more, Parents’ conduct impacts children’s observations about what love closely resembles. Beating sends kids a message that moral and right liken with physical brutality that it is okay to hit individuals... indeed, even those you love. Savagery is alright when it is utilized to control another person into accommodation. For instance, a youngster has a hissy fit in a retail establishment, and his mom takes him home and hits him constraining him into accommodation to her goals of open conduct. Likewise, this training can make an incomprehensible rationale framework for a little youngster who is right now during the time spent basic subjective and good turn of events. For kids whose guardians reve al to them that hitting isn't right, hitting may likewise pass on the message that it is okay to accomplish something that isn't right. It makes an overal... Free Essays on Corporal Punishment Free Essays on Corporal Punishment Educators that utilization whipping, youngsters that don’t recognize what nation they live in, and an educational committee that couldn't care less about learning; this doesn't seem like quality instruction. These models conflict with what Pat Conroy accepts to be a profitable learning experience. Conroy’s book â€Å"The Water is Wide† uncovers his thoughts regarding training through his interesting showing techniques and style. In the clench hand not many sections of the book Conroy starts to create interesting styles for showing the offspring of Yamacraw. Conroy acknowledges from his past experience as a teacher that the most ideal approach to start a school year is to put the understudies at complete simplicity. His technique to relax the understudies up is to mess with them. In any case, the understudies don't react well to this new strategy. Conroy chooses to adopt a progressively teacherable strategy. In the wake of asking the understudies a few inquiries he starts to understand the degree of the issues that plague the offspring of Yamacraw Island. Conroy builds up a strategy for educating to fix the offspring of their absence of information. The technique he picks is like a pre-game event. During these pre-game events Conroy asks the understudies a progression of inquiries which the understudies either react rapidly to or hang tight for insights on. These pre-game events permit Conroy to find what the understudies know just as what they need to know. The utilization of the pre-game events permits Conroy to understand that the understudies don’t need to look or be moronic. He starts to understand that on the off chance that he moves toward them the right path and with data that premiums them they will learn. By utilizing this strategy Conroy finds the student’s enthusiasm for music. The youngsters love James Brown’s music so he permits them to talk about their inclinations. By finding a typical enthusiasm among the gathering Conroy can start a conversation on Brown’s music, just as, lead the understudies into an enthusiasm of another kind of music. This methodology is new to the studen... Free Essays on Corporal Punishment Flogging is characterized as â€Å"the utilization of physical power with the aim of making a youngster experience torment, however not injury, for reasons for revision or control of the child’s behavior† (Walsh, 2002). Society sees physical discipline in various manners. Some consider it to be a need to strengthen a child’s conduct. Others consider this to be of discipline as an ineffectual and brutal approach to train the youngster. Beating is a kind of whipping, and it is additionally what I focused my exploration on. It alludes to hitting a youngster with an open hand on the hindquarters or limits with the goal of changing conduct without causing physical injury (Saadeh, 2002). This has caused contention in today’s society in light of the fact that numerous individuals trust it isn't right while others consider it to be a way to train their kid. A few people have gone to the extraordinary and have attempted to get hitting restricted in the United States. Somewhere in the range of 70% and 90% of guardians hit their youngsters in any event every so often (Saadeh, 2002). This rate shows that most guardians must think they are accomplishing something positive for the kid. Most contentions for and against flogging are generally refered to as though they depended on logical proof, however the truth of the matter is that they frequently originate from social, strict, and individual views(Roberts, 2002). This makes it hard to choose what sort of order works best for the youngster. The realities should be founded on logical investigations to guarantee kids will create in a positive and adoring condition. Spankers Despite the fact that society, overall, concurs that genuinely harming a kid is rarely proper, some accept that truly training their youngster is a required type of discipline. As per Saadeh, individuals who think punishing is a proper type of control bolster their situation with all around considered and tried contentions (2002). The discoveries show that hitting isn't related wi... Free Essays on Corporal Punishment In 1978, Astrid Lindgren, writer of Pippi Longstocking, was granted the German Book Trade Peace Prize for her brilliant commitments to children’s writing. In her acknowledgment discourse, she recounted to an intriguing anecdote about a youngster. This short story started when she was around twenty. She had recently met a pastor’s spouse who disclosed to her that when she was youthful and had her first kid, she was totally contradicted to hitting kids. In any case, the training was broadly acknowledged at that point. At the point when her child had turned five, he had gotten out of hand and the lady chose to give the kid its first hitting. She instructed him to go out to look for a switch. The kid didn't return for a long time. At the point when he at long last returned, he said to his mom, â€Å"Mama, I couldn’t discover a switch, yet here’s a stone that you can toss at me.† (No Spanking Page) The Perception of a hitting outwardly and tactilel y should be mistaking and upsetting for youngsters. They can never be certain what meaning their folks are communicating when this savage kind of discipline happens. Guardians give kids essential presentation to ideas of right and positive. Likewise, Parents’ conduct impacts children’s observations about what love closely resembles. Punishing sends kids a message that moral and right compare with physical brutality that it is okay to hit individuals... indeed, even those you love. Savagery is alright when it is utilized to control another person into accommodation. For instance, a youngster has a fit in a retail chain, and his mom takes him home and punishes him constraining him into accommodation to her beliefs of open conduct. Likewise, this training can make a dumbfounding rationale framework for a little youngster who is as of now during the time spent basic psychological and good turn of events. For youngsters whose guardians reveal to them that hitting isn't righ t, hitting may likewise pass on the message that it is OK to accomplish something that isn't right. It makes an overal... Free Essays on Corporal Punishment Beating, in criminology, some way of physical discipline dispensed by legal request on the body of a guilty party. The term by and large alludes to lashing, marking, or mutilation as discipline for a wrongdoing. Truly, flogging has been drilled since old occasions. It was expected that the harmed criminal would be less inclined to carry out different wrongdoings, yet this supposition that was rarely demonstrated, and actually, one hypothesis holds that serious flogging improves the probability of further criminal acts. In the twentieth century, beating fell into disgrace in numerous nations, including the United States. It was supplanted with reformatory techniques that give restorative objectives, for example, mental direction and professional preparing programs in detainment facilities. Beating is still piece of the punitive frameworks of certain countries in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. It is likewise preferred by individuals who trust it very well may be utilized as an impe diment to the developing wrongdoing rate.... Free Essays on Corporal Punishment Beating Beating alludes to the intentional punishment of agony on anything or somebody as adjustment.  · Used in schools, homes, and as discipline for crooks.  · Milder structures utilized in homes by guardians alluded to as â€Å"spanking.†  · In schools, whipping is legitimate in 23 states (  · Corporal and the death penalty were long the fundamental types of discipline utilized by society. Since the eighteenth century whipping has would in general be bit by bit supplanted by fines and detainment. Be that as it may, a few social orders hold far reaching utilization of flogging; this incorporates countries, for example, Singapore and Malaysia. (  · The Singaporean practice

Saturday, August 22, 2020

When to Capitalize Words for Points of the Compass

When to Capitalize Words for Points of the Compass When to Capitalize Words for Points of the Compass When to Capitalize Words for Points of the Compass By Mark Nichol When would it be advisable for you to compose north, and when is North proper? What about southern, or Southern? This post traces the suggestions for when to utilize capitalized letters for words alluding to cardinal bearings, and when to utilize lowercase letters. Numerous topographical assignments incorporate north, south, east, or west, or joined structures, for example, northwest, as a feature of their names. When these are legitimate areas named on maps, they are constantly styled with starting capitalization (except if, obviously, the guide styles a few or all marks with every capitalized letter). Models incorporate â€Å"North America,† â€Å"South Africa,† â€Å"West Virginia,† and â€Å"East St. Louis.† Be that as it may, references in account content (fiction or true to life) are not constantly clear. Here are a few rules: The belligerents in the American Civil War are once in a while distinguished as â€Å"the North† and â€Å"the South,† however a reference to a tenant of the relating area would be treated as northerner or southerner, and general references to an area to some bearing from a given area are appropriately lowercase (â€Å"I traveled west for ten miles†; â€Å"Attitudes in the eastern piece of the state are more traditional†). Be that as it may, social references are treated as legitimate names, as in a remark implying the overall homogeneity of North America and Europe or the relating attitude of Asia: â€Å"In the West, clinical treatment will in general be allopathic†; â€Å"It is among the most established of the Eastern philosophies.† Confusingly, some informal territorial assignments with longstanding differentiations, for example, â€Å"Northern California† and â€Å"the South of France,† are promoted, while such basic depictions as â€Å"western New York State† and â€Å"southern Africa† (instead of the name of the country of South Africa) are dealt with conventionally. As the name of the class in different media that relates to the settling of the United States past the Mississippi River, western isn't promoted. Be that as it may, by show, the principal word in â€Å"Eastern Europe† is promoted in a Cold War setting. In the mean time, a midwesterner is from the Midwest. Due to the eccentrics and irregularity of treatment of such words, it’s best for essayists to counsel a geologically arranged asset; comprehensive (and debilitating) arrangements of models are broadly accessible on the web and in print. Need to improve your English shortly a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Style classification, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:Definitely use the or aA While versus AwhilePassed versus Past

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Help Your ADHD Child Succeed in Math

Help Your ADHD Child Succeed in Math ADHD School Print How to Help Your ADHD Child Succeed in Math By Keath Low Keath Low, MA, is a therapist and clinical scientist with the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities at the University of North Carolina. She specializes in treatment of ADD/ADHD. Learn about our editorial policy Keath Low Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 29, 2019 ADHD Overview Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Living With In Children Tatiana Kolesnikova/Moment/Getty Images Learning math and performing math computations can often be a challenge for students with ADHD. Impairments in working memory,  inattention, impulsiveness, disorganization, and slower processing speed can all contribute to weaknesses in math. If your child is struggling with math, the first step is to pinpoint the areas where breakdowns in learning are occurring. The next step is to incorporate teaching strategies and accommodations that will help your child to be more successful. Work closely with your child’s teacher. His or her understanding of these concepts is essential, as is taking the time to incorporate effective learning strategies. This can be challenging in some educational settings with overcrowded classrooms and other seemingly more pressing issues like behavior problems in class. Effective parent advocacy for your child is critical and the support of pediatricians and psychologists is essential. Suggested Accommodations for ADHD Students Thee are some of the general accommodations that are often helpful for students with ADHD who are experiencing academic difficulties in math. Allow the student to use desk copies of math fact sheets or charts (for example, a multiplication table fact sheet that can be kept on the desk when needed) to help compensate for memory difficulties and increase recall while solving math problems in class, at home, and on tests.Provide the student with a handout of clear steps and procedures to follow for multi-sequence computations. Allow the handout to be used as a guide when solving problems in class, during homework time, and on tests.Provide models of sample problems and permit the student to use these models as a reference when solving problems in class, during homework, and on tests.Allow use of a calculator in class, during homework, and on tests, when appropriate.Allow student extra time on tests to prevent rushing and careless mistakes. Another strategy that is often helpful during test-taking is to break up tests into several sections and allow the student to complete each section with short breaks in between to move abou t, get water, and refocus.Decrease the number of math problems assigned to what is essential for the students understanding and practice of math concepts. For example, rather than assigning problems 1 - 20, have the student complete the even numbers.Provide the student with frequent feedback about progress and set up regular accuracy checks. Example: Have the student check in with you after completing a row of problems; check to make sure the student is solving problems accurately, and if all is well the student resumes work on next row, etc. Checking in frequently like this allows you to make adjustments if breakdowns are occurring, gives the student a little break between problems, and reduces frustrations of having to do the whole paper all over again when there are errors not caught early on. Reduce writing requirements by providing the student with handouts of math problems to solve instead of having the student copy problems from the board or from a textbook.Have the student use graph paper rather than notebook paper when doing computations on paper. The squares and the grid layout of graph paper provide a nice guide to help students line up numbers, columns, and spaces correctly on paper.Provide the student with review summaries to help prepare for tests.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Symptoms And Treatment Of Lyme Disease - 1485 Words

Throughout history, humankind has been exposed to millions of unique and troubling pathogens. Some of these pathogens are well known, such as the bubonic plague, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS, but others are relatively unknown and remain shrouded in mystery. One such example has been spreading to become the most common vector-borne disease that occurs in the Northern Hemisphere, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. This â€Å"hidden pandemic†, known as Lyme disease, is silently infecting hundreds of thousands of United States citizens each year, and numbers of new and untreated infections continue to climb as traditional treatments fail and doctors misdiagnose the condition. Spread by tick bites, Lyme disease has affected many lives and continues to infect countless individuals each and every day. In 1975, residents living in the small town of Lyme, Connecticut started to experience many troubling symptoms such as muscle aches, joint pains, and fatigue. The prevalence of the symptoms among both children and adults baffled doctors, and they struggled to diagnose their patients. By 1977, the first 51 cases of â€Å"Lyme arthritis† were described, and the Ixodes scapularis tick, commonly known as the blacklegged or deer tick, was linked to the transmission of the disease (Pino). The causative factor was discovered in 1981 by Willy Burgdorfer when he isolated a spirochete, or spiral-shaped bacteria, that triggered the Lyme symptoms while he was studying anotherShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Treatment Of Lyme Disease1454 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Lyme disease has been the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the United States since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention started reporting it in 1991 [1]. It should be noted that Lyme disease does not occur everywhere in the US, and is heavily concentrated in upper Midwest and northeast United States [1]. This report has been compiled to provide recommendations for antimicrobial prophylactic treatment of Lyme disease once a patient encounters a tick bite. Lyme diseaseRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Lyme Disease1598 Words   |  7 Pagesntroduction Lyme disease has been the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the United States since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention started reporting it in 1991 [1]. It should be noted that Lyme disease does not occur everywhere in the US, and is heavily concentrated in upper Midwest and northeast United States [1]. This report has been compiled to provide recommendations for antimicrobial prophylactic treatment of Lyme disease once a patient encounters a tick bite. Lyme diseaseRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Lyme Disease1997 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Lyme Disease is the number one tick-borne disease in the United States and in Massachusetts. It is considered a vector disease because it is spread through the bite of a black-legged tick (also known as a deer tick) that carries the bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme was first diagnosed in 1975 in Lyme, CT and the bacterium that causes Lyme was discovered in 1982 by Willy Burgdorfer (Todar, 2012, p. 1). Lyme disease spreads rapidly and can impact many different organ systemsRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Lyme Disease1770 Words   |  8 Pages Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. Despite this, adequate prevention is lacking and treatment measures are sometimes inadequate. Vaccinations for Lyme disease developed in the late 1990’s have since been withdrawn from the market, and research is currently underway to create a new vaccine. Educational programs have proven to show an increase in protective behaviors to prevent tick bites and tick-borne illnesses through increased knowledge of repellent useRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Lyme Disease1897 Words   |  8 PagesBackground: Definition of the condition: Lyme disease is named after the town of Old Lyme in Connecticut, where the first cases of Lyme disease (LD) were discovered in 1975. About twelve children, who lived in the same area of this town, were diagnosed with arthritis which was discovered to be caused by Lyme disease (Levi et al., 2012). In 1982, a scientist named Willy Burgdorfer and his coworkers, established the link between ticks and the transmission of Borralis bacteria which is proven to resultRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Lyme Disease1710 Words   |  7 PagesaIntroduction Lyme disease has been the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the United States since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention started reporting it in 19911. It should be noted that Lyme disease does not occur everywhere in the US, and is heavily concentrated in upper Midwest and northeast United States1. This report has been compiled to provide recommendations for antimicrobial prophylactic treatment of Lyme disease once a patient encounters a tick bite. Lyme disease is causedRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Lyme Disease2008 Words   |  9 Pagesâ€Å"Lyme disease is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks (Ixodes spp.). Early manifestations of infection include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans. Left untreated, late manifestations involving the joints, heart, and nervous system can occur. A Healthy People 2010 objective (14-8) is to reduce the annual incidence of Lyme disease to 9.7 new cases per 100,000 population in 10Read MoreLong Term Antibiotic Treatment Of Persistent Symptoms Attributed Lyme Disease2057 Words   |  9 PagesThe research question of this study was to determine if longer-term antibiotic treatment of persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme disease resulted in a better outcome than shorter-term antibiotic treatment1. Evaluate the review of related research. How well did the authors provide a context for the current research in light of previous literature and gaps in current literature and knowledge? In the introduction, the authors indicate that previous randomized, clinical trials have not provided sufficientRead MoreLyme Disease : A Rapidly Spreading Infectious Disease1666 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Lyme disease is a rapidly spreading infectious disease in the United States, with over 25,000 confirmed cases in 2013.5 It was first discovered in the early-1970’s in the town of Lyme, Connecticut when a group of children started to present with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Some of these children presented with a rash and researchers connected the symptoms to occurring during peak tick season. By the mid-1970’s, the researchers began describing the symptoms and coining the term â€Å"Lyme disease†Read MoreA Research Paper On Lyme Disease1020 Words   |  5 PagesLyme Disease I chose to do my research paper on Lyme disease. During my research, I found a lot of interesting facts about Lyme disease. The disease is caused by bacteria, called Borrelia burgdorferi, which is only transmitted to humans when they are bitten by an infected tick. Lyme disease was first discovered in 1975, in Lyme, Connecticut, after a group of children were diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. This eventually led them to discover the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. The disease

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Speech On The Dangers Of Bullying - 867 Words

There are a number of steps that need to be considered in order for this solution to take action. The first of which is to find someone to speak up to all the people in the school districts, a representative of some sorts. Someone who everyone in the school can trust such as a popular kid or teen, or maybe the student council president if the school has one. If not, maybe a group of people, a committee who are part of the community where the students attend. Said spokesman, or person(s) needs to have exceptional communication skills to grab everyone s attention. That way, they can make the issue not sound plain and generic as bullying solutions have been discussed multiple times. Next step is to gather all people into one place such as a stadium or gymnasium and so on to accommodate all the students, teachers, administrators, and parents. After that, the presentation/speech will then begin to inform everyone on the dangers bullying can have on one or more individuals. In addition, we will be taking additional suggestions from the crowd depending if it is doable or not. After taking all the suggestions into consideration, the most viable will be chosen and then implemented into the school policies and cemented into the people s heads. Hopefully, when this works, the number of bullying related events should be declining as reports of bullying activities are being submitted. Though, if this were to succeed and bullying reports at schools start to decline, it is a hugeShow MoreRelatedBullying : A Land Of The Free1160 Words   |  5 Pagesis called, â€Å"Bullying.† Bullying takes many forms including face to face (physical and verbal harassment), written forms (mails/letters), and currently, the most widespread form of bullying apparent in students is cyberbullying (bullying with the use of electronics such as social media, texting/messages, and etc). As the Supreme Court ruled, students have limitations on their speech. These limitations apply to students’ online speech as well. Online speech means any posted or typed speech on onlineRead MoreCyber-Bullying Has Been A Problem For A Very Long Period.1152 Words   |  5 PagesCyber-bullying has been a problem for a very long period. Due to the growth o f our recent technology, cyber-bullying has become one of the most challenging issues in our society. Since cyber-bullying problems are more likely to happen at social gathering, schools, and even mobile phones; Professors, principals, teachers and parents are accountable to observe, reprove and possibly avoid cyber-bullying. The anticipations of most parents of the school, is security. Meanwhile, many employees feel reluctantRead MoreSpeech On The Bill Of Rights1153 Words   |  5 Pagesof speech, or of the press† (Alderman and Kennedy, pg.21). Because of the First Amendment, hate speech, â€Å"no matter how offensive its content†, was â€Å"protected† under the laws (ACLZ). However, people are still demanding more. They want hate-related speech to be allowed on campuses –without knowing the effects and the damage it could do. Hate speech could bring people down, lower their confidences and their school performance, and in some case, school avoidance. Th e audiences of offensive speech onRead MoreInformative Speech : Bullying Is Everybody s Problem888 Words   |  4 PagesInformative Speech Outline â€Å"Bullying is Everybody s Problem† Introduction I. What do we know about bullying? It turns out that with our busy lives, bullying is mostly imperceptible. Have you ever asked yourself why your son, your nephew or a close relative, refuses to go to school? Why the child is always complaining of stomachaches or other diseases in the mornings? II. If so, your child is likely to be a victim of bullying. However, you may not realize that bullying is a real issue that unfortunatelyRead More Cyber Bullying Essay1447 Words   |  6 Pageswhen â€Å"13-year-old Ryan Patrick Halligan kill[ed] himself after months of harassment, including instant messages calling him gay† (Billitteri.) Cyber bullying is much more dangerous than traditional bullying, and should be punished with much stricter guide lines, not just within schools but within criminal courts as well. Traditional bullying was done on school grounds, at the bus stop, or walking home, but today cyber bullies leave teens vulnerable to the abuse with no place to seek refugeRead MoreCyberbullying And Its Effects On Society899 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout high school, we have all witnessed bullying. Some cases more severe than others. One well known way is through social network. This is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying occurs when a minor is targeted in some form-- threatened humiliated, harassed-- by another, and it is not to be confused with cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment, which involves an adult. Not limited to the internet cyberbullying can spread by cell phones or other digital devices (Surdin, 2009). Cyberbullying has causedRead MoreDescribe That Possible Signs, Symptoms, Indicators and Behaviours That May Cause Concern in the Context of Safeguarding.1486 Words   |  6 Pagesinteraction. It may also involve seeing or hearing a person being ill-treated and you d o not do anything to stop the abuse. With the development of the internet the so called cyber-bullying is another matter that has become prevalent over the past few years; which in turn causes children to frequently feel scared or in danger. 2.2 Signs of possible emotional abuse †¢ Depression, aggression, extreme anxiety, changes or regression in mood or behaviour, particularly where a child withdraws or becomesRead MoreCyberbullying Is A Big Concern For Society Today920 Words   |  4 Pagesgo. Cyberbullying greatly affects the victim’s mental and emotional health as well as their ability to do well in class, so schools should have the power to punish cyberbullies even if it was done off of school grounds. Cyberbullying is defined as bullying that takes place using electronic technology such as cell phones, computers, and tablets and is often done using communication tools like social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. It can happen anytime during the day or at night, andRead MoreWhat Causes People From The Others?957 Words   |  4 Pagesothers? Facebook. Twitter. LinkedIn. Myspace. YouTube. Flickr. These are all social networking sites and they’re all part of what is at present known as social media. Ever since the creation of social media had occurred there have been another type of bullying that’s in our everyday life. The study from the cyberbullying research center, shows 20.4 percent of females of middle school reported to be the victim pf cyberbullying at least once at the age of 11-18, compared to 14 percent of male children, inRead MoreCyber Socializing Has Effects Essay1715 Words   |  7 Pagesfor people. While cyber socializing gives people around the world the ability to interact with loved ones who are both close and far, these sites can have negative effects on others. The negative sides of cyber socializing, better known as cyber bullying, has several statistics to go along with it, as well as different types. The first type of cyber bully is called â€Å"The Vengeful Angel† which is someone who doesn’t understand that they are the person causing the harm. The next is considered â€Å"The Power

Logic Free Essays

Is communication e cattle without the logical connectives such as or, ND, implies, not, if and only if ? [200 words] 5. Why we treat mathematical truths as certain? Why in logic we me- aphasia on autologies† 2 rather than contradictions? [200 words] (Consistency) an attribute of a logical system that Is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible from the axioms contradict one another 4. [n] – a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts Tautology: a statement that is necessarily true (like 2+2-4) 1 6. We will write a custom essay sample on Logic or any similar topic only for you Order Now What is wrong with the following argument? The more you study, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. The less you know, the less you learn. So, why study? 7. Analyze the following argument: God is All Powerful, omnipotent and omniscient. If God can do anything, can He create something that even He can’t a etc? (e: A stone so heavy that He can’t lift It) God can do anything that Is Possible. Even God can’t do something that Is not possible to be done Can God create a stone so heavy that even He can not lift it? 8. In a harsh totalitarian country an innocent person is arrested on Sunday evening and Marilyn condemned to execution, which they are told will take place on one of the following eve mornings. To make matters worse, they are told that they will not know the day before which morning it will be. After several hours torment the prisoner fails into a peaceful sleep as they realize that such a threat cannot be carried out. They reasoned thus: The execution cannot take place on Friday morning; for if they are still alive on Thursday night then the execution must take place on Friday. But they were told that they would not know the day before which day it would be. So it cannot be Friday, and so Friday can be counted out as a possibility. But by the same reasoning it cannot be Thursday either. For if they are still alive on Wednesday night then the execution must take place on Thursday. But they were told that they would not know the day before which day it would be. So it cannot be Thursday, and so Thursday can be counted out as a possibility. But by the same reasoning it cannot be Wednesday either†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The same reasoning covers Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday and so the prisoner can have a sound nights sleep. The prisoner is, however, greatly surprised to ND themselves facing the executioner on Wednesday (or indeed any other) morning. What went wrong with the prisoner’s reasoning? Write down the steps clearly and show how paradox 3 arises in the above situation? Paradox: An apparently sound argument leading to a contradiction. Some famous 2 PHI 142: Introduction to Logic Mid Semester Exam Date: 19 February 2013 Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Indian Institute of Technology Kanata Answer all of the following questions. Write answers in a separate booklet. Max. Marks: 30 Time: 2 hours; 17. 30-19. 30 PM We may define faith as the firm belief in something for which there is no evidence. Where there is evidence, no one speaks of . We do not speak of faith that two and two are four or that the earth is round. We only speak of faith when we wish to substitute emotion for evidence. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Bertrand Russell Answer whether the following statements are True or False. Justify it prefer- ably with a very short answer. 1. The following argument is valid: If computers can reason, they can ask questions. Computers can reason. Therefore, computers can ask questions . The following argument is an instance of Fallacy of accident fallacy . † Oh my lord, don’t take any courses in the biology department not even as open elective, as they are really tough and terrible. I took EBBS:322 and it was a disaster. † 3. The categorical propositions, All who are non intelligent are non-college students and all who are college students are intelligent are contradictory to each other 4. I am sure that you will agree that we should not vote Mr.. Panky Saxons for the next presidential elections in this hostel. If he gets elected, we will all be deprived of mom of the privileges that we are enjoying at this moment. Anyone not agreeing with this will be fired immediately from this wing A-top. In the above argument, the arguer is said to be committing straw-man fallacy. 5. False Cause fallacy is committed when the conclusion rests on the presumption of a causal link between two phenomena, when in fact all that has been shown is a correlation. No concepts are expressive intuitions on aversion converts to All concepts are non- expressive intuitions 7. The categorical propositions, All logic students are bright people No logic students are non-bright people re contradictory to each other. 8. The following argument is invalid If Newton’s theory is correct, then light should not be deflected by gravity. In this experiment, we can see that light is deflected by gravity. Therefore, Newton’s theory is not correct PHI 142: Introduction to Logic Mid Semester Exam Date: 19 February 2013 2. Which of the following passages contains arguments and which are not I. E. , Non-arguments 1 . If there is one theme that will be the topic of digital business this year, it is mobile. Commerce, which tracks Web and mobile usage, published a report about what hap- need in 2012, and what to expect in 2013. It shows that the effects of a movement toward mobile are everywhere, from shopping to media to search. According to the report, â€Å"2013 could spell a very rocky economic transition,† and businesses will have to scramble to stay ahead of consumers changing behavior (anytime. Com). 2. Ordinary glass is soda lime glass and is a mixture of silicates of sodium, potassium, calcium and aluminum etc. It is brittle because its molecular structure is composed of tetrahedral crystals. These crystals do not have a good large area orderly resealing structure. 3. People are not free, although human freedom has been highly prized throughout our history. Its value is affirmed by religious doctrines. Civil and criminal Justice systems incorporate the idea that behavior is freely chosen into sentencing guidelines. Clearly it has been an important concept in many areas of human activity. 3. Identify the type of Fallacy of Weak Induction from the following arguments 1 . I cracked most of my crucial exams (board exams) in the past while wearing my green tea shirt and writing an exam with my parker pen. Therefore, green color tea hire with a parker pen is a lucky combination and brought lot of success. Hence I should not forget to take it when I go for an exam again for achieving success in the exam. 2. If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination. Once begin upon this downward path, you never know where you are to stop. Many a man has dated his ruin from some murder or other that perhaps he thought little of at the time. 3. Famous theologian William Palely argument from design suggests that a watch and the universe are similar as both display order and complexity. If order and complexity constitute evidence of design in the case of a watch, though, then they must also constitute evidence of the product of intelligent design that the universe must be a product of intelligent design too. 4. In 1742, Christian Goldberg conjectured that every even number greater than 2 is the sum of two primes. Mathematicians have been trying to prove Schoolbag’s conjecture ever since, but no one has succeeded in doing so. After two and a half entries, I think we can safely conclude that Goldberg was wrong. 4. Identify the type of Fallacies of Relevance 4 committed by the following arguments. Justify your answer with a brief explanation 1 . Social Security old age benefits ensure you can retire with dignity. If you become injured or are unable to work, Social Security disability benefits will help keep you afloat. But, Mrs.. Sheila’s arguments against cuts in Social Security are worthless. As a recipient of Social Security benefits, she would naturally be expected to argue exactly the way she does. Page 2 of 4 How to cite Logic, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Analysis free essay sample

Theme and Narrative Elements in the Short Story Patrick Powell ENG: 125 Prof. Wanda Deffenbaugh July, 18 2011 In the short story â€Å"the Secret Life of Walter Mitty† the themes identified are; the ability to escape real world events and frustrations by daydreaming and making himself feel important by always becoming the hero in his daydreams. Walter Mitty is very submissive to his wife, and she is pictured as sort of a bully and in order for him to escape his hectic life with his wife, he uses his imagination. In his daydreams, he becomes a commander in an eight-engine Navy hydroplane, a rich surgeon who’s assisting a friend of President Roosevelt, a suspect in a murder case, which he is an expert marksman on the stand for trial, a world war I pilot, and a defiant prisoner. He imagines himself on both sides of the spectrum, with ideals of prestige and utter distain, but in his mind it’s an adventure that whisks him away from his minuscule life and his overbearing wife. We will write a custom essay sample on The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the opening paragraph, the author starts the story within the daydream making believe for the story to be a fantasy, but then the character is abruptly awakened by his wife. This shows that the main character, Walter Mitty escapes into imagination frequently. The author James Thurber tells the story in an omniscient, third-person point of view. Thurber expresses Walter Mitty’s feelings and thoughts as they are happening, which is only limited to Walter Mitty. While reading, I can easily identify and understand Walter Mitty’s thought process. I could also relate and understand the significance of his dreams to his reality. I get to follow Walter Mitty through his day and get to see and know the things that Walter Mitty he himself knows. The Plot of the story deals with a submissive, Peter Parker-esque man who drives with his wife to the beauty parlor and for shopping. Within the time he is with his wife, he has five episodic daydreams. The daydreams that the main character, Walter Mitty has, connects his imagination to the real aspects of his life. For instance, the final daydream Walter Mitty had happened when he was smoking against a wall. His daydreams show that within his real life he has many failures but within his imagination he leads an extraordinary life with extraordinary successes, in which he is always the hero.