Monday, December 23, 2019

Military Technological Advancements And Has Been Reaching...

Vishnu Karpuram Courtney Gustafson English 112 4 November 2015 Military automation Informational Over the past few decades, military equipment has received major technological advancements and has been reaching new heights. Modern improvements to technology have almost entirely changed the outlook we have on war. Robots have proven beneficial in carrying out dangerous tasks that involve casualties, but questions arise when robots are used to carry out missions that involve maintaining peace. More specifically, robots in war. Argumentative Corruption in law enforcement not only puts the innocent at risk, it also creates a negative perception of the US legal system. In today’s plethora of unethical police agencies, anything can happen since officers in these agencies hold a respected place in society for legitimate reasons and are not usually questioned for their actions. One such case of illicit acts that police officers commit is planting false evidence. According to an interview of a 15 year deputy sheriff at the Palm Beach county sheriff’s office in Florida, conducted by a news reporter Jeffrey Schultz, planting evidence and lying in reports were just â€Å"tricks of the trade†. Law enforcement officers are pressured to make a large number of arrests on people carrying drugs, which makes less innocent officers more susceptible to unlawful activities that help them keep their job. â€Å"It’s almost like you have no emotion with it, that they attach theShow MoreRelatedThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1404 Words   |  6 Pagescivilization has ever encountered, is viciously debated today among scholars all over the world. No one theory is the absolute truth as there are many fatal factors and mistakes that forged the collapse of this supreme civilization. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Research Paper Free Essays

This course explains both how and why it is good to SE goals or make bucketful’s not only when it comes to traveling but also when applying these skills to the real world. It seeks to broaden students perspective on the world outside of the o en they live in and shed light on the mannerisms and way of life of other cultures, with the help of unique the projects and Nicolas lessons. The course differs from other language courses because it has more of a variety rather than focusing on a single language or culture. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Other language GE courses are similar to each other; this course emphasizes on other parts of the world the r than Europe. Even if students decide to hold off on traveling for a little bit, at least they will have the life lessons they were taught in this course. There is a famous quote by Paul Cello, â€Å"If you u think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal†. Cello traveled the world at a young gag e and documented the entire thing via online blobbing. He did not want to fall into the same route en everyday so he decided that he wanted to travel the world and tell others about it. In order to inspire students the course includes a brief study of Cello’s blob during Nicolas lessons. 4 This flayer course will only be available for South students to take their seen or year. Ala Thus said, † The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. † (604 BC). The study is planning to educate children on the multitude of different cue Trees that expo and in the world around them. The first project the students will take on is figuring out how to create year round functions in order to raise funds and save up enough money for the final prop etc, a trip out of the country to a place of the students’ choosing. These fundraisers may include, b UT are not exclusive to, bake sales or car washes. Not a penny out of pocket is going to be asked f or from the parents of the students solely because the fundraisers held must raise all the money needed. By the end of this course, the goal is that students would learn about not only how to safe Ely and successfully travel, but also how to work hard and manage money and time to get to where e they want to be. â€Å"It is better to travel well than to arrive. † An intelligent quote from Buddha; is imply stating that the arrival of a destination is important, but not as important as the knowledge e it takes to get there. In class, lessons Will be based on the cultures of different countries. Students will also learn about the variety of currency and their worth. They will need to know h transportation functions in different countries. Basically, the students will need to get a grasp of what is the best and most efficient way to get from one place to another. They would learn ABA out mannerisms and what is socially accepted as polite. Another course requirement is how to make e money while on the road. They would need to know how to acquire seasonal jobs sufficient en ugh so that they 5 can save up to move on to the next location on their list. The course is plane d to educate dents to its best ability because the future of their world is in their hands. There are five major projects the students will have to complete before the co ruse is over. The goal is to have them accomplish something of their own rather than been g taught or lectured for 80 minutes a day. For the second project, students will have to create a BRB ochre for a place they want to go to. After doing this, they will have to persuade the rest of the class with an oral report that the location they chose will be the best place for the class trip at t he end of the year also known as the final project. Throughout the year, the students will be taught about the location of major c Mounties within the continents. The third project will consist of students gathering up in six small groups. Each group will be assigned one of the six continents (Antarctica will not be in clued due to our lack of knowledge about its full landscape) in which they have to label the coo entries shown. The students will not be able to do this project at home they may only work on it I n class and without technology, purely using the knowledge and memory to put together their ma The fourth project is to build an itinerary based on the country that we are us posed to go to. The students will be given the budget that they raised themselves in the fir SST project and will then plan how they want to spend their money, where they want to go, and h owe they will get there. Once they arrive at their destination, what would the students want to do? What do they want to see or eat? What can they experience on their budget? The seniors will I need to find actual places to go and visit, eat, and call a temporary home. They cannot Simi ply list everything they want to do and expect it all to happen without any course of planning be fore hand. 6 The final project is the one the students will look most forward too. This is the project at the end of the year where they travel to a location that they picked in the begin inning of the year for five days. After all, Rudyard Kipling did say, â€Å"The first condition of understand ending a foreign country is to smell it. All the money put into the trip is raised completely byte he students themselves. Whether their parents want to give them spending money is com pellets up to them. The trip is not mandatory, it is up to the child and their parents/ guardians to give them permission to come. When the Middletown South students were asked if they would have any dies re to visit other countries 78 students had circled yes w hile only two circled no. Because of that number a backing/ traveling course would be an absolutely necessary course to teach in high SC wool. Out of the 80 sophomore students that took the survey 32 were males and 48 were e females. The first question inquired the students to answer how many trips that they have been on anywhere outside Of the country in order to get a general idea Of the world that they we re exposed to so far. A staggering 90% had been to only one to three other countries. Approximate lye 8% of the students have been to four to six other countries. Only 2% of the students who o answered the survey have traveled to more than seven countries. To be even more specific, the next question on the survey asked the students to take the time and list all of the states and countries they have been to outside of New Jersey. The answers varied from California, Paris, Floor dad, Tennessee, Colorado, Canada, the Caribbean Islands, New York, Pennsylvania, and Nevada a. The students were then asked to answer if they knew what countries certain currencies were e used in. 13% of dents knew euros can be used in Europe and unanimously 100% of student TTS knew that American dollars are used in the United States. Roughly 38% of students knee w where rubles can 7 be used, 5% knew where francs may be used, and about 76% students know where pesos are used. Out of curiosity, the sophomore students were also asked to check off what types of transportation they have used before in the options they were given. Approve mutely 1% of the students had ridden a VESA while 100% of the students had ridden a bus and car. About 49% of students had flown on a plane, while 90% have taken a train. Close to 23% of t he students have been on a subway, 36% had ridden a monorail and surprisingly 1% of the stud .NET had ridden on a camels back. Another question the students were prompted was if they are working a job currently or if they have had one in the past to get a feel for if the students ink ewe exactly how to work for their money. About 4% of students said yes and 96% said no. When asked how the students handle their money, 5% said that they put it away in a bank account, 90% said their parents handle it, and 5% said they keep their own money hidden in their ROR m, specifically their sock drawers. Out of the 80 students, 16% said they know how to book a hot l/motel room while 84% said they did not know. Also, 28% of students know how to read a basic map; 72% do not. This was asked in order to get an understanding about how much geography would be a necessity to teach in class. By the end of the course 100% of students will be a blew to read a local or national map without a problem. Unanimously, 100% of the sophomore SST dents answered yes to the question as to whether or not they would be interested in taking a court SE on backpacking/ traveling if it were to be an option. The students feel this course would benefit them greatly in their futures if they had some knowledge on traveling. Traveling has become very popular in newer generations and people are getting more inspired to see the rest of the world rather than live in the same place for the rest of their lives. However, it is imp orator that they are 8 also taught the dangers and difficulties of life in other countries. This course a aims to shed some light on what it really is like to live outside of the comfort of their own homes. Conclusion The goal is to provide Middletown South seniors with as much knowledge ABA UT traveling as possible. How to cite Research Paper, Essays Research Paper Free Essays Economies have to find a mechanism to allocate scarce resources because of the economic problem. The What, How, For Whom questions are central to the operation of this mechanism. To recap from the economic system lesson, the mechanism used by different systems: Command economy:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Planning mechanism as dictated by the state Free Market economy:   Price mechanism as dictated by consumer spending  Ã‚   Mixed economy:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A mixture of state planning and the market mechanism. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Central to this module is an examination of the operation of the market economy, and how the price mechanism works to answer the what, how and for whom questions. Market: a mechanism which brings buyers and sellers together to trade if they are both happy. Different types of markets can exist, all operating along the same principles: Product:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the market for goods, eg market for oranges Factor:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the market for resource inputs, eg the labour market Capital:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the market for finance, eg the market for bank loans We will start off with examining the operation of a  competitive market, where the buyers and sellers trade under equal conditions, and look how the price mechanism works to influence resource allocation. The essential role of prices is to  transmit information  to different agents in the market place. Changes in price will result from changes in supply and demand conditions and will  signal  information about the state of the market which will influence the allocation of resources. On the consumer side, changes in price perform a  rationing function,  transmitting information to them about whether they can afford to buy a product and how much they could buy at a particular price with a given amount of income. If the price of a product were to rise, consumers would be  rationed out  of the market, because their spending power would go down, ie they could not buy as much with a set amount of income. Conversely, if prices fell, consumers would berationed into  the market because their income could buy more goods. On the producers side, changes in price perform an incentive function, signalling to them whether they should produce more or less of a good. If prices rise, a signal would be sent to producers to make more (meaning allocating more resources to the production of the good) with the aim of earning more profit. Conversely a fall in price would discourage production reducing the amount of resources allocated to that good, since profits would be assumed to be falling. Consumer sovereignty: in a market economy consumers will have the power to influence resource allocation. Their spending decisions will send signals to the producers about what goods to produce and how many to produce. All this will by done through the workings of the price mechanism, eg Consumers decide to buy less carrots. This fall in demand will result in   falling prices. In response to falling prices, producers will see reduced profits and will allocate fewer resources to the growing of carrots. If consumers decide to buy more peas, prices of peas will rise and this will encourage producers to allocate more resources to pea   production. Therefore the spending patterns of consumers will dictate to producers what they will make, since their motive is profit, and they will not make any if they produce goods which consumers do not want. Refrence: http://www. oocities. org/sutcoleconomics/how_markets_allocate_resources. htm Due to the market system and the price mechanism that is the forces of supply and demand there may be several factors to consider when determining why individuals prefer this particular market system as appose to other methods of allocating and distributing resources in an economy. It is to ones belief that the economy under review may be classed as a market economy if there is price determination through the market forces as well as the possibility of government intervention. For this there may be several reasons as to why people believe that the market system may be the better mechanism for allocating recourses in an economy. Fundamentally, the market system thrives on price determination through the forces of supply and demand, which is resources are distributed through the price mechanism which in turn is determined by the forces of demand and supply for these resources. More over under this type of economic system, government interference in the economy is kept to an absolute minimum as emphasis is placed on the freedom of the individual. Thus in such a market it would be safe to say that a positive investment climate is more or less dependent upon the individual. References: http://essaysforstudent. com/Business/Reasons-People-Believe-Market-System/81590. html Why do some people believe that the market system is the best mechanism for allocating scarce resources and thereby encouraging a positive investment climate? Explain your answer   There are three different types of ways of allocating scarce resources which are pure market economy, pure command economy and mixed economy. Some people believe that the free market is the best mechanism for allocating scarce resources. A pure command economy is an economy in which the government makes all allocation decisions and answers all three questions of allocation A mixed economy is a mixture between markets and the government making decisions on allocating resources. A pure market economy is markets that alone allocated the resources of land, labour and capital. The Government also have no role in resource allocation. A pure market economy also has price determination, thus bringing supply and demand into balance. Advantages of a pure market economy is that buyers are free to buy what they like in whatever amount they wish, the biggest advantage that the free market has is the determination of price, determined by the demand and supply, the decision of what to produce and in what quantities is taken by the free market and is not determined by the state. This is why it is believed to be the best way of allocating scarce resources. How to cite Research Paper, Essays Research Paper Free Essays A prospective, randomized and comparative study of oocyte survival by slow freezing and vitrification methods. Dr. Suresh Babu Chaduvula, Abstract: Aim and Objectives: To determine the efficacy of slow freezing and vitrification methods in the survival of oocytes. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Introduction: Material and Methods: It is a prospective comparative study done in Abha infertility center, Abha , Kingdom of SaudiArabia. Results: Discussion: Conclusion: In our study survival of oocytes are found to be good and better by Cryopreservation method than than the Vitrification method. Keywords: Cryopreservation [CRY], Vitrification [VTR], Oocyte survival [OS] Introduction: Cryopreservation allows the transfer of a limited number of embryos back to the uterus and the storage of the remaining embryos for future use, thus maximizing the cumulative effectiveness of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle. In addition, cryopreservation makes feasible the postponement of embryo transfer (ET) in a future cycle, thus decreasing the incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in high-risk patients, while it maintains the probability of pregnancy Michelmann 1. Slow freezing is the most widely used cryopreservation method of human embryos and has become the preferred method in most IVF units . During slow freezing ,the embryo is exposed to subzero temperatures in a controlled rate . Alternatively, human embryos can be cryopreserved by vitrification, during which the embryo rapidly enters a glass-like state with rapid cooling rates . Efstratios 2. Slow freezing is known as equilibrium freezing due to the exchange of fluids between the extra and intracellular spaces and results in safe reezing without serious osmotic and deformation effects to cells Mazur 3. This technique is accepted to be a safe procedure because of the use of relatively low concentration of cryoprotectants that might not cause serious toxic and osmotic damage. On the other hand , vitrification is a non-equilibrium method and may be regarded as a radical approach in which ice crystal formation is totally eliminated. Nevertheless, it requires an extremely high cooling rate a long side much higher concentrations of cryoprotectants when compared with slow freezing Vaja 4. Since the publication of the first reports demonstrating the feasibility of vitrification for cryopreservation of human embryos Trounson 5, this method is becoming increasingly popular among embryologists. This is due to the fact that vitrification is characterized by significant advantages regarding cost and time requirements as compared with slow freezing. The main concern, however, is the need for using high concentrations of cryoprotective solutions that might lead to osmotic shock, affecting embryo survival Quinn 6. This comparative study aims to evaluate the efficacy of slow freezing and vitrification cryopreservation of human embryos in terms of postthawing survival rates and clinical outcomes , attempting to assess which of the two methods is more advantageous . Material and Methods: It is a prospective comparative study done in Abha infertility center, Abha , Kingdom of SaudiArabia. Results: File 00 File 01 File 02 Discussion: Conclusion: References: Acknowledgements: How to cite Research Paper, Essays Research Paper Free Essays Research paper Free Essays Analysis Donna’s Disappointment What are the main issues in the case? The main issue in the case is Donna’s abilities are not good enough and can support her to be a district manager. She is not ready for it, lack of self-awareness and other awareness are typical aspects of lack of individual ability. In the other hand, she also can recover quickly from her emotional experience and do some right choice for those experience. We will write a custom essay sample on Research paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Why did this problems/losses occur? This article represent a story related to Diana, a restaurant manager, who had been irking for the restaurant for 12 years, from a waitress to general manager, was hindered her promotion due to her poor emotional intelligence with here subordinate, Emotional Intelligence Is a part of abilities and related to the understanding and use of emotions that affect social functioning. Self-awareness, other awareness, emotion regulation and use of emotions are some parts of emotional regulation. Emotion ability is very important for people. If one can easily understand others’ emotions and control self-emotion, It will helps him/her to get alone well very with his/her boss or subordinates. Diana applied for the position of district manager, and thinking that was a good time to get promoted. But things are unpredictable, the result disappointed her, her boss told her that she could not be promoted as the district manager position was given to her colleague, whom Diana had trained herself and had only been working with the company for 3 years. Diana was so disappointed and cry bitterly, a 3-year hireling worker had been granted the position of district manager before her, a 12-year worker, she felt so suffer from injustice. Lack of Self-awareness After the first time Diana had not been promoted, she was told by her supervisor that she needed to work on her social skills with her staffs. During another visit from her boss, she suggested Diana to be more friendlier to her staffs. Diana should realize her poor social skills might be the high turnover in staffs she has been experiencing. She had better to take the advice that her boss Julie gave to her about fostering stronger people skills. With these records of poor social skills and large turnover among staff at her restaurant, her boss would not let her In take charge of training ewe managers. 1 OFF Donna’s abilities is weak, not because of her working attitude and efficiency, but her lack of self-awareness and other awareness. Diana has showed on several occasions that she is very inflexible to her staff when it comes to company policies and procedures. She working hard during these years and did a very good Job in in creasing sales and get many customers complaints. She had high standards for both herself and employees,and never think she should bend the ruled for anyone, no matter good employees or bad. She had very strict rules for employees and whoever an not complete, it’s the time for him to find a now Job. She never be friendly to her employees and makes her subordinates complains everywhere. Lack of Social-awareness Her boss, Julie has told her that her employees are call her â€Å"Ice maiden†. Once Diana heard that, the most common reaction for her is to ask herself why they were thinking about her in such a sarcasm word. Diana should realize that she need to be chance and and be more friendlier, in order to set up a better working environment between her and her staffs. How to fix it? Emotional intelligence: Diana need to control her emotional well during her working experience, especially to her subordinates, in order to increase her emotional intelligence Diana can take some courses related to interpersonal skills, or writing down emotional experiences per week to aftertaste and reflect. Self-awareness Diana should been more self aware and took the good advice during her work experience. She needs to improve her social skills with people immediately, may be she also need to learn how to communicate and work with others. Sometimes Diana might try to do some change in her way of management, don’t be that stubborn when owing her Job. She also need to aware that feedback from her customs and co- workers are very good for her to recognize herself in higher level, and fix it. Conclusion and so what? In conclusion, Diana is a good manager but she is not ready for the promotion. Higher position means higher individual abilities. If Diana wants to walk further in her career, she need learn more about human resource management and social skills, she need to be more sociability and be good at listening to others’ advice. After improving herself, she would get the position that she need, but before that, she need to change her appearance. How to cite Research paper, Essays Research Paper Free Essays Wang carried out three efferent studies in hopes of pinpointing which tasks, ranging from easy to difficult would yield the greatest â€Å"proboscis† type of behavior in young children. Anther key aspect of their research included theorizing the Evolutionary Theory and its influence on particular characteristic traits. They attribute improved phenotypes traits to the evolution of humans in today’s society. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Survival of the fittest embodies the idea that the more viable a trait the better chance an organism has of surviving and producing off-springs that carry on those traits. However in regards to survival of the fittest, closely related to evolution, do some people view a â€Å"nicer† approach to others In order to gain from them and better their status In life? This question among others were proposed and tested In this study. Fortunately, a good majority of the article’s background Information was easily relatable to prior knowledge I’ve acquired from completed biology courses and this psychology class. In Introducing Psychology chapter seven gives insight into the concept of IQ, how it was created, and what applications we still use today. According to the textbook one of the first tests created for intelligence was the ratio intelligence quotient. Bines and Simon, â€Å"develop[deed] an objective test that would provide an unbiased measure of a child’s ability. † (Pig. 214) Thirty simple tasks were accumulated and put onto one test and administered to younger children. This IQ test was beneficial for that particular age group but did not fair well with adults. The deviation IQ was later introduced to avoid any discrepancies In regards to age. By comparing test scores of a particular errors to the average test score of that person’s selected age group they were able to find a more accurate IQ number. Most of what Blend and Simon developed Is still used today with moderate tweaking along the way. Reverting back to the article, Intelligence and Proboscis Behavior: Do Smart Children Really Act Nice? IQ is referenced often as a main component in the study. Although the article does not give much explanation to IQ and the significance of its numerical value the textbook allows me as the reader to better understand this concept. Another interesting incept that the book addresses is that IQ should not only be approached operationally but also by the â€Å"consequential behavior† and the â€Å"response† to that particular question. The authors advocate that â€Å"behaviors that most of us think of as smart† (Pig. 216) often yield higher achievements acquired by people that poses these traits. The article In reference Is theorizing that â€Å"being nice or acting nice† Is a smart trait to have. Overall, the study concludes that the relationship between proboscis behavior and aptitude is not a positive or negative linear line and is mostly situational. Experience how they will react to certain situations presented by the physiologists. This article was extremely interesting and gave thoughtful insight into how intelligence can be further defined. Future experiments regarding this topic will build upon these proposed theories and will expand and refine them to find a stronger correlation between these two traits. I would suggest this article to those that are trying to expand on positive psychology and willing to carry out similar experiments or refine them in order to better understand its significance or insignificance. How to cite Research Paper, Essays Research Paper Free Essays Research Paper Free Essays The Prodigy The German composer Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, mostly famously known as Felix Mendelssohn was born on February 3rd 1809 in Hamburg Germany. Mendelssohn was one of four children growing up, the second oldest of the children right behind his sister Fanny. Mendelssohn was the son of a successful banker and the grandson of a well-known German Jewish Enlightenment philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Even though his grandfather was Jewish, his father grew up his family to be Lutherans. Mendelssohn and his family moved to Berlin in July of 1812, due to the fact his father Abraham was afraid that the French military would seek revenge on their bank, because the Mendelssohn bank played a role in stopping Napoleons Continental System. Mendelssohn was very blessed in growing up with the best education and began his musical education at the age of 6. Mendelssohn and his brother and sisters were given piano lessons by their mother. A year later he was then under the teachings of Carl Friedrich Zelter another German composer. In 1818 at around the age of 9 Mendelssohn began to perform in public playing pieces of music from composers Joseph Wolfl, Jan Ladislav Dussek, and Johann Bach. Mendelssohn’s biggest inspiration was from George Handel, Joseph Hayden, Wolfgang Mozart, but his biggest and probably his favorite composer was Johann composer. Even though they all came before Mendelssohn’s time listened and would examine works from all composers and find a way to use a certain technique from each one of these composer and make it his own. Being the unique child prodigy that many had referred to him as, Mendelssohn had composed 13 pieces of material by his early teens. One of Mendelssohn’s greatest performances had to have been in 1829 and in 1839 when he made a trip to England and played Johann Bach’s St. Matthew Passion and Franz Schubert’s (Unfinished) Symphony No. 9 in public. He was given credit for reviving these pieces of music and playing them with great skill. Mendelssohn’s most recognizable and probably most famous piece was the Wedding March that is primarily played at most weddings. Felix was married to Cecile Charlotte Sophie Jeanrenaude. The two had 5 children 3 boys and 2 girls. Mendelssohn lived a very short life after having many strokes he finally passed away at the age of 38 on November 4th 1847. Even though his life was short he was known as a pianist, organist, conductor and a Romantic era composer. Mendelssohn’s Hebrides Overture piece was a great piece of music. I really didn’t know what to expect when I started to listen to Hebrides Overture. After reading about Mendelssohn I tried to listen to this piece and see if I can pick out the styles he used from Mozart or Beethoven. The way Mendelssohn uses the piano can be heard almost in a similar way that Beethoven used it in his pieces, in that the movements can are changed in the moods of the music. Mendelssohn mood in Hebrides starts off in a very peaceful manner and by halfway through the piece it changes. It becomes very aggressive, it harsh and heavy sounds from the piano as well as the strings. I like how the mood swings from soft to hard and heavy it gives you an idea of what Felix was trying to paint for the audience. I read in the New Grove that his piece was inspired from a boat trip to a small island that Mendelssohn had wanted to see. This piece paints the picture of the boat ride and the scenery to the cave. When hearing this piece I can imagine the boat ride being smooth sailing at first on a gloomy day. As the music continues you can envision the boat ride getting rougher and more severe. I can picture rain coming down kicking up the waves all within a matter of moments. And in the third and final movement it settles down for just a moment just like the calm before the storm, just when you think its smooth selling it picks back up and ends with a bang. Loud and in your face ending that gives the piece a bit of excitement. This was a very well composed piece and it will probably be one of the favorites for many years. Mendelssohn wrote music for William Shakespeare’s plays to include A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This piece was very up tempo for the most part and light hearted. The play itself was a comedy; I believe that Mendelssohn captured the elements of a light and not very moody piece of music. This incidental piece of work also contained Wedding March, which probably one of the most recognizable pieces of work worldwide. The piece that stood out to me besides the Wedding March was Nocturne. This part of the piece was not like much of the other parts. It was very slow and almost had a sad type of feel to it. Having many scenes and acts in the play Mendelssohn was given the opportunity to play around with his various types of composers that he had much inspiration from. At the very beginning of the piece it seemed that the music was going to start very slow, but then quite dramatically it picks up the tempo and becomes quite the opposite. The strings seem to be playing at 100 miles per hour. This tempo bounces back and forth with a lot of room left for imagination on what can be going on in the play. The flutes in the music play around throughout the piece that seems to be what is keeping the music light. Singing in the music surprise me a bit, it was much unexpected. I just thought it was going to be just music in this piece. The end of A Midsummer Night’s Dream summed up the whole piece, it had a little bit of everything in it. At one point it’s slow and others it’s very and sort of dramatic, and it even included singing. Over this entire piece was good in that it was light and upbeat expect for the Nocturne parts. Symphony No. 3 in A minor â€Å"Scottish† Op. 56 is a piece not much like the others. It almost has a little of bit of Hebrides and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It starts over slow, not a sad slow but more of a mellow slow. But as the piece continues it becomes forceful and very strong. Listening you can tell Mendelssohn was on a war path at some point. This piece is very serious in the first movement. You can almost feel of a bit of excitement and anger in it. The second and third movements calm down and lighten up. They are make you feel at ease and not feel the anger that was present in the first. It brings you to a calm and relaxing moment. The third movement also has a bit of a grand extravaganza feel to it. I can see elegant type of venue with this movement playing in the background. Another thing I noticed is that these movements don’t really seem to have a break in between then them. They jump one right into the next. The final movement brings back that excitement and serious business feel. The very dramatic and dark powerful feeling is the image you get when it is being heard. The strings in the fourth movement have brought the excitement to the piece, there very fast and played hard. It ends in a grand manner; it takes it back to the third movement. This piece was kind of everywhere. Powerful, light, and also elegant this piece can in a category with any of the other pieces. I liked the beginning of how commanding the piece started; it was very intense and made me want to listen to more. All three pieces had their own sound, but the Scottish had a little bit of both in it. I found that Felix Mendelssohn was a great composer and I had known more about his music then I thought I had. I just didn’t know that some of the music I knew was from him. Mendelssohn will now be one of my favorite composers of the Romantic era, and I found that his music can really bring out a mood in you that may not be present at the moment but listening to a few of his dramatic powerful pieces will get you there. Being the young composer that he was, he developed his sound at a very early age in that he followed great composers that were way before his time. He played their music but with his twist to it, and that is how he has become one of the best Romantic composers of the 19th century. After feeling the power that he delivered I feel that I will want to see what other pieces are out there and if they have the same if not more of effect on dramatic moods. I believe that his work can influence a lot of people and that he did influence a lot of people. Felix Mendelssohn will go down in my books as the composer who can paint your scenery. Work Cited Clive Brown. â€Å"Mendelssohn, Felix. † The New Grove Dictionary of Opera. Ed. Stanley Sadie. Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. Oxford University Press. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. http://hermes. sac. alamo. edu:2263/subscriber/article/grove/music/O903218. R. Larry Todd. â€Å"Mendelssohn, Felix. † Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. Oxford University Press. Web. 1 Dec. 2012. http://hermes. sac. alamo. edu:2263/subscriber/article/grove/music/51795pg7. How to cite Research Paper, Essays Research Paper Free Essays The play A Streetcar Named Desire revolves around Blanche DuBois; therefore, the main theme of the drama concerns her directly. In Blanche is seen the tragedy of an individual caught between two worlds-the world of the past and the world of the present-unwilling to let go of the past and unable, because of her character, to come to any sort of terms with the present. The final result is her destruction. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now This process began long before her clash with Stanley Kowalski. It started with the death of her young husband, a weak and perverted boy who committed suicide when she taunted him with her disgust at the discovery of his perversion. In retrospect, she knows that he was the only man she had ever loved, and from this early catastrophe evolves her promiscuity. She is lonely and frightened, and she attempts to fight this condition with sex. Desire fills the emptiness when there is no love and desire blocks the inexorable movement of death, which has already wasted and decayed Blanche’s ancestral home Belle Reve. -Fantasy/Illusion Blanche dwells in illusion; fantasy is her primary means of self-defense, both against outside threats and against her own demons. But her deceits carry no trace of malice, but rather they come from her weakness and inability to confront the truth head-on. She is a quixotic figure, seeing the world not as it is but as it ought to be. Fantasy has a liberating magic that protects her from the tragedies she has had to endure. Throughout the play, Blanche’s dependence on illusion is contrasted with Stanley’s steadfast realism, and in the end it is Stanley and his worldview that win. To survive, Stella must also resort to a kind of illusion, forcing herself to believe that Blanche’s accusations against Stanley are false so that she can continue living with her husband. The Old South and the New South Stella and Blanche come from a world that is rapidly dying. Belle Reve, their family’s ancestral plantation, has been lost, and the two sisters are the last living members of their family and, symbolically, of their old world of cavaliers and cotton fields. Their strain of Old South was not conquered by the march of General Sherman’s army, but by the steady march of time, and as Blanche’s beauty fades with age so too do these vestiges of that civilization gone with the wind. Blanche attempts to stay back in the past but it is impossible, and Stella only survives by mixing her DuBois blood ith the common stock of the Kowalskis; the old South can only live on in a diluted, bastardized form. Death in A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams uses the theme of death continually in the play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ through the use of dramatic imagery and literal references. The characters of Blanche and Mitch are used t he most frequently to express Williams’ own obsession with death. Though neither of the characters actually obsesses about death, Blanche’s life has been smothered by the deaths of those she loves and the coming death of Mitch’s mother is an obvious motivation for his actions. Blanche first voices the theme of death in the very first scene whilst discussing the fate that has befallen Belle Reve. She passionately raves at length about the horrible deaths and her experience of loved ones dying around her; â€Å"all of those deaths†¦ Father, Mother, Margaret, that dreadful way! † The horrific visions of bloated bodies and â€Å"the struggle for breath and breathing† have clearly cast a permanent effect on Blanche’s mind. She talks of the quiet funerals and the â€Å"gorgeous boxes† that were the coffins, with bitter, black humour. The deaths of Blanch†¦ .. middle of paper †¦ †¦ s’ dramatic use of death and dying is an overarching theme in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire,’ from which everything about Blanche’s character has formed from. Without the death of Allan, Blanche would not have resorted to prostitution and the brief affairs with strangers, also the deaths of her family have driven Bl anche to Stella’s where she is â€Å"not wanted† and â€Å"ashamed to be†. Therefore these dramatic deaths have lead to the past which comes back to haunt Blanche meaning that she can never find happiness until she dies and is forgotten. A Streetcar Named Desire is a 1947 play written by American playwrighUm†¦death much? â€Å"Cemeteries† is pretty much self-explanatory, but Elysian Fields are basically like heaven in ancient Greek Mythology. In other words, â€Å"death† is written all over this scenery before we even jump into much of the play. For more on how â€Å"Desire† fits in there, see â€Å"What’s Up With the Title? â€Å"t Tennessee Williams (death quote 1. 16) ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, by Tennessee Williams, explores many important themes and issues in the book. You can read also  Similarities and Conflicts in † a Streetcar Named Desire† The main theme Williams investigates and explores to the audience, is illusion and fantasy. Each character in the book contributes to creating, adding to and destructing fantasies and illusions, and I feel it is a very important theme in the book, as it represents and symbolises other issues Williams explores with the audience. The play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ revolves around the character Blanche Dubois; therefore, the main theme of the drama concerns her directly. In Blanche, the audience is shown the tragedy of an individual, caught between two worlds ? the world of her past and the world of her present, unwilling to let go of the past and unable, because of her character, to come to any sort of terms with her present. The final result at the end of the play is the deterioration of her mind and character and her self-destruction. Blanche dwells in illusion; fantasy is her primary†¦ †¦ middle of paper †¦ †¦ lso have o be considered, because illusions and fantasy are not the only issues Williams deals with and raises in the play; there are the issues of death and loss dealt with; the issue of Old and New America conflicting with each other; the idea of a society of men dominating women; violence; opposing backgrounds; loneliness, alcoholism and sexuality, but most of these issues are all dealt with, represented by and can link to illusion and fantasy, so the theme is an extremely important one, within the play ? A Streetcar Named Desire?. . I can’t stand a naked light bulb, any more than I can a rude remark or a vulgar action. (p. 60) Blanche 1. This line clearly sets up the key theme of illusion vs reality. Blanche takes the naked truth – the stark bare lightbulb, the rude remark – and dresses it up prettily to make everyone happier and everything easier. That she speaks of talk and action as analogous to a lightbulb shows that she considers the remedy for uncouth behavior and appearance to be a paper lantern, an externalI don’t want realism. I want magic! (p. 145) Blanche This is Blanche’s battle cry. It doesn’t matter whether the magic is real. It doesn’t even matter whether Blanche herself believes it. What’s important for Blanche is that she always have the option of the fantasy – that she can believe in and hope for something prettier and lovelier and kinder than the real world. She is a self-aware Don Quixote, forcing the world to be as beautiful as she imagines it. cover, rather than a change from within. How to cite Research Paper, Essays Research Paper Free Essays Case Analysis: Part C of Mid-Term Test The Mann Gulch Disaster Name: Suren Sachchithanantham Student #: 300545709 Course: MGMT 321 -101 Professor: Jai Goolsarran Due Date: October 25th, 2012 What conceptual blocks were experienced by the smokejumpers? The conceptual blocks that were experienced by the smokejumpers would be the first conceptual block is commitment where Dodge have seen that the fire crossed the gulch ahead of the crew and so he turned the his crew around and told them go towards up the hill. Thus, the crew didn’t know why Dodge told them to go this way when it would be safer going to the river. Second Conceptual block would be Complacency. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now That’s when Dodge lit a fire in their escape path and told everyone to lie down in the area that already had been burned. But nobody listened to him and they all did the opposite of what he said. And they couldn’t understand why Dodge said that and they never thought by doing this could save their lives but they all got panicked and ran off. Third conceptual block would be commitment where Dodge told his crew members to drop their tools when they could have used them to help them stay alive and prevent themselves from getting burned. Forth conceptual block is constancy that when smokejumpers assume the fire would be under control by 10:00 the next morning. But they all shouldn’t have assumed that the fire would be under controlled when12 of them had served in the military. What steps in analytical problem were skipped or short-circuited by the fire crew? The steps in analytical problem that were skipped or short-circuited by the fire crew would be the second step in the analytical problem solving of generating alternative solutions was short circuited because the fire crew members never planned or talked about any alternatives that could happen when they are fighting the fire. Perhaps they decided not to listen to Dodge because they couldn’t think straight. Instead they had time to eat dinner and take pictures where they could have used this time to figure out short term or long-term alternatives in this situation. Another would be the fourth step in the analytical problem solving of implementing and follow up on the solution, which was also short circuited because they didn’t have any alternatives to choose from the follow up on. They didn’t prepare or provided feedback and couldn’t monitor anything because they were listening to the foreman and never shared their ideas or concerns. For instance, the smokejumpers are every highly skilled and trained for these sort of situations but they never thought of any circumstances that could happen in this case. How to cite Research Paper, Essays Research Paper Free Essays Gleason Candy Inc. There are several issues that have been raised in this case. One of them, for example, is whether the management should allow the right of return to the wholesalers or risk losing the sale? If management does allow the returns, the question becomes how it should be accounted as they have no previous recording experience. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now One decision made by the management was to raise the candy price by 10% in order to cover up the losses from returns. They decided not to record the expected/estimated amount of losses or returns, since it was already been covered by the raised price of candies. The main issue now is whether the management’s decision of not recording the estimated returns of merchandize violates the GAAP regulation? We have considered three alternatives. (1) Record the estimated return amount even if it is hard to estimate, (2) Raise the prices and do not record the estimated returns considering it would be immaterial, and (3) Revenue recognition should be deferred until the payment is made. We have searched FASB codification by using the key work â€Å"right of return†. In addition, we have researched Codification topics 605 Revenue Recognition. Four relevant hits have been found. FASB ASC 605-15-15-2 states that sales in which a product may be returned, whether as a matter of contract or as a matter of existing practice, either by the ultimate customer or by a party who resells the product to others. The product may be returned for a refund of the purchase price, for a credit applied to amounts owed or to be owed for other purchases, or in exchange for other products. GAAP allows the right of return and provides various options to buyer and seller. FASB ASC 605-15-25-1 states that if an entity sells its product but gives the buyer the right to return the product, revenue from the sales transaction shall be recognized at time of sale only if all of the following conditions are met: a. The seller’s price to the buyer is substantially fixed or determinable at the date of sale. b. The buyer has paid the seller, or the buyer is obligated to pay the seller and the obligation is not contingent on resale of the product. If the buyer does not pay at time of sale and the buyer’s obligation to pay is contractually or implicitly excused until the buyer resells the product, then this condition is not met. c. The buyer’s obligation to the seller would not be changed in the event of theft or physical destruction or damage of the product. d. The buyer acquiring the product for resale has economic substance apart from that provided by the seller. This condition relates primarily to buyers that exist on paper, that is, buyers that have little or no physical facilities or employees. It prevents entities from recognizing sales revenue on transactions with parties that the sellers have established primarily for the purpose of recognizing such sales revenue. e. The seller does not have significant obligations for future performance to directly bring about resale of the product by the buyer. f. The amount of future returns can be reasonably estimated. Thus, if all the above conditions are met only then Gleason candy can record revenue from this sale. As evident from case they are not able to fulfill the last condition which is to reasonably estimate the future returns. FASB ASC 605-15-25-2 states that if sales revenue is recognized because the conditions of the preceding paragraph are met, any costs or losses that may be expected in connection with any returns shall be accrued. Based on this and previous pronouncement, if they meet all the necessary conditions for recording sales revenue at the time of sale they also need to estimate the losses and the cost that may occur because of the expected returns. FASB ASC 605-15-25-3 states that the ability to make a reasonable estimate of the amount of future returns depends on many factors and circumstances that will vary from one case to the next. However, any of the following factors may impair the ability to make a reasonable estimate: a. The susceptibility of the product to significant external factors, such as technological obsolescence or changes in demand b. Relatively long periods in which a particular product may be returned c. Absence of historical experience with similar types of sales of similar products, or inability to apply such experience because of changing circumstances, for example, changes in the selling entity’s marketing policies or relationships with its customers d. Absence of a large volume of relatively homogeneous transactions. Here, Gleason Candy Inc. lacks historical experience and is not able to make reasonable estimates about future returns. They may still be able to take reference from the experience of other entities in the same business Based on the relevant literature cited above, we recommend Gleason Candy should try to estimate the returns from wholesalers by comparing it within the same industry. According to the criteria set by GAAP they need to fulfill some conditions to record revenue from sales. They just can’t avoid the estimation by raising the prices. If there is no way of estimating than they should not record the revenue at the time of sale. The revenue and cost of sales that are not recognized at time of sale because of the foregoing conditions not being met shall be recognized either when the return privilege has substantially expired or if those conditions subsequently are met, whichever occurs first. How to cite Research Paper, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Organizational Behavior for Journal of Managerial Psychology

Question: Discuss about theOrganizational Behavior for Journal of Managerial Psychology. Answer: Introduction Organizational behavior is the study of the behavior of individuals in an organizational setting. Effective organizational behavior management is imperative for the success and growth of any business (Griffin Moorhead, 2011). An individuals behavior in these organizational settings is largely impacted by various factors including workplace environment, timings, nature of work and organizational policies. Organizational behavior includes the study of organizational employees culture, religion, social values, ethics and economic backgrounds. This report throws light upon organizational behavior theories, practices and their significance in the organization. The report also reflects upon various steps that must be taken to improve workforce diversity as well as recent changes that the organizational behavior practices are witnessing. Essay topic It is better to rely on stereotypes than to enter into a relationship with someone from another culture without any idea of what they believe in. The increasing workplace diversity is a result of globalization (Hamilton, 2015). People from different parts of the globe come together and work towards similar goals. This results in building various long term relationships that largely impact organizations as well as individuals associated with the organization. People coming from different religions, geographies and social or economic backgrounds have a number of stereotypes associated with them. Stereotypes can be based on religion, age, caste or geography (Bertolino, 2013) These stereotypes may or may not relate with everyone but it is important to note that there is a reason why these stereotypes exist. While collaborating with different people it is often wiser to be aware of the stereotypes that are associated with the people as this helps the organizations in preparing for the future. For example, Employees from France are associated with being unpunctual. Therefore, when hiring a French employee, the manager can ensure to keep a certain amount of margin while giving them work deadlines. If the employee, sticks to the deadline and completes the work on time, the there is no drawback. However, if the employee is late as depicted by the stereotype, then too the organization has enough time as margin for the required work. Organizational behaviour theories There are various theories that are associated with organizational behaviour. The theory in discussion for this report is that of identical employer-employee behaviour. This theory suggests that the organization must impose similar policies, goals, behavioral guidelines and ethical codes for the employer as well as all the employees. Implication of this theory motivates employees to work hard and builds an environment of decorum within the organization. This is specifically useful when the organization is diverse and has people from different backgrounds working together. As per the essay question above, this theory suggests that all the employees must be treated equally rather than creating a bias on account of the stereotypes associated with them. One key factors that affect employee growth in any business is Motivation (Stein Cropanzano, 2011). There are various motivational theories that must be employed in the organization in order to motivate employees to work hard. Maslows ne ed hierarchy theory creates a five levels of needs for every individual. Once the physical and social needs of employees are fulfilled, organizations must focus upon fulfilling esteem needs of employees in order to keep them motivated (Anderson, 2014). In a diverse environment, every individual would have a different source of esteem. For example, according to the stereotypes, an American employees esteem need are fulfilled by giving them additional power, a Chinese employees esteem needs are fulfilled by giving them additional responsibilities on the other hand, an Indian or African employees esteem needs are fulfilled by offering them additional pay. Therefore, these stereotypes help organizations in understanding employee needs. It is important to note that stereotypes play a role only in the beginning of any relationship. Once the communication between the two parties develops, stereotypes are broken and decisions are made based upon experiences. Organizational problems form a part of every leading organization that exists today. As organizations are getting more and more diversified, organization is beginning to face unique challenges that need to be addressed. These problems are faced at managerial level, employee level as well as organizational level (Laura, 2012). The following are some of the leading problems faced by organizations in the process of building relationships with different people: Communication problems: The most important problem that exists in building a diverse organization wherein people from different backgrounds work together is the communication problem faced by employees at large (Patrick Kumar, 2012). Every individual has his or her own unique local language and official language that the individual best communicates in. In case of a diverse organization, there are various language barriers. In order to address the same, all organizations establish their official language. All the organizations must provide training to their foreign employees to learn the official language of the organization as well as the local language of the country. Cultural problems: Every individual comes from a different cultural background. Chinese organizations have an active and dynamic organizational culture where people are often screaming at each other. On the other hand, Japan has a calm culture and screaming at anyone is considered rude and arrogant. According to the rules of their religion, Muslims need to pray 5 times in a day. Therefore organization with Muslim employees need to allow them required time during the day to pray. Hindus on the other hand are restricted by religion to eat non-vegetarian food. Hence organizations with Hindu employees must avoid or restrict non-vegetarian meals in the common pantry area. Therefore in order to address this issue, training about different culture must be given (Sartorius, 2011). Cultural issues may create a certain kind of bias on the basis on religious practices, customs and language within the organization. Social Issues: There are various issues that are created by society. These social norms of employees need to be understood and respected while employing a diverse workforce (Hyde et. al., 2013). For example, Muslim women are expected to cover their heads at all times while other societies find it normal for women to wear skirts or pants. Certain societies restrict women from working at night while some women prefer to work late in the night. All these are plain stereotypes but they must be understood well in advance by organizations before hiring employees from different backgrounds. Demerits of stereotyping Stereotyping of an individual in not wrong in fact it largely helps organizations in being prepared for what they might encounter. At the same point of time, it is important to note that not every individual may entirely adhere to the stereotype associated with them. Stereotyping employees may lead to a negative work culture, judgment among employees towards each other, partial or unfair treatment and reduced productivity within the organization. Therefore it is recommended that organizational managers must adopt the positive side of stereotyping. Diverse organizations are imperative for the success and growth of a business in the current scenario. Negative aspects of applying stereotypes are also referred to as silent destroyers of the organization. Hence, managers must use their discretion and keeping the productivity of organization in mind, they must adopt to the positive aspects of stereotypes and manage workforce in the manner that lets go of the negative impacts of stereotyping. Recent developments in organizational behavior Organizational behavior theories have seen a lot of changes since their inception. Traditional theories have been edited and molded to suit the current workplace environment and changing organizational needs. Various changes in organizational practices are as below: Diverse organizations Globalization in the world has allowed people from different parts of the world to work together in a single organization. This has led to the creation of diverse workforce. Diverse organizations improve organizational performance as people coming from different competencies are amalgamated to work together (Lynn et. al., 2013). Increasing role of women Women have started playing a major role in organizational setting. Today women are not only stepping outside their comfort zones but are also excelling in their respective fields and attaining leadership roles in many organizational settings (Safa, 2018). Traditionally, most organizations were male dominant. Improving technology Advent of technology has also allowed businesses to grow and has largely organized various organizational practices and policies. Employee performance evaluation and customer relationship is now being entirely managed by technology and this has led to increased efficiency of the business. Managers are counselors Organizations have been taking various efforts in building long term relationships with their employees. Earlier employees were simply puppets in the hands of management. Today, they have a strong say and deep decision making authority. Managers organize counseling sessions in their offices and try to understand their employees better. Employee goals are well aligned with organizational goals to encourage employees to perform better. To Conclude, Stereotyping is being largely adopted by various organizations owing to an increasing number of diverse employees. There are various positives of building stereotypes. It helps organizations in being prepared to handle the employee and it largely ensures the no religious or culture sentiments are hurt. But on the other hand, it may lead to judging, biasness and a negative workplace culture. Therefore in order to ensure employee productivity, managers must learn to adopt the positive aspects of stereotyping while avoiding the negatives. References Anderson, A. (2014). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.The Prairie Light Review,36(2), 7. Bertolino, M., M. Truxillo, D., Fraccaroli, F. (2013). Age effects on perceived personality and job performance.Journal of Managerial Psychology,28(7/8), 867-885. Griffin, R.W. and Moorhead, G., 2011.Organizational behavior. Cengage Learning. United States Hamilton, D.L. ed., 2015.Cognitive processes in stereotyping and intergroup behavior. Psychology Press. Hyde, P., Harris, C. Boaden, R., 2013. Pro-social organisational behaviour of health care workers. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(16), pp. 3115-3130. Laura, M. D., 2012. Organisational Behaviour Influence Elements in the New Economic Paradigm. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4(4), pp. 31-48. Lynne, A., Jackson, S. E. Russell, S. V., 2013. Journal of Organizational Behavior. Greening organizational behavior: An introduction to the special issue, 34(2), pp. 151-155. Patrick, H. A., Kumar, V. R. (2012). Managing workplace diversity: Issues and challenges.Sage Open,2(2), 2158244012444615. Safa, H. I. (2018).The myth of the male breadwinner: Women and industrialization in the Caribbean. Routledge. United Kingdom. Sartorius, K., Merino, A., Carmichael, T. (2011). Human resource management and cultural diversity: a case study in Mozambique.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,22(9), 1963-1985. Stein, J. H. Cropanzano, R., 2011. Death awareness and organizational behavior. Journal of organisational Behaviour, 8(1189-1193), p. 32.